Build the right thing

Increase the chance of success ensures that your delivery team has access to all the business analysis, impact assessments, and change history in the context of the user stories. GPT accelerates user story writing using process maps as the input. It increases the consistency and accuracy. It highlights gaps in the business analysis that would result in rework and wasted effort.

Use GPT to elevate your game

Spend time on analysis not documentation

ElementsGPT writes consistent, accurate, and complete user stories. They are auto-generated directly from process diagrams. Refine them, connect analysis insights, and synchronize them with your developers’ ticketing system, e.g. Jira. This maximizes the chance of success and provides a common platform for cross-team collaboration that eliminates ambiguity. 


Use GPT to write user stories. It is 100x faster. They follow a consistent standard: title, description, and acceptance criteria. Great process maps generate great user stories.


GPT does not get bored, distracted, or give up. It accurately writes user stories from process steps, such as input, outputs, descriptions, and resources, with RASCI.


Your development teams have access to all the insights you captured during the requirements captured in their ticketing application of choice, typically Jira.


Every user story is beautifully crafted

ElementsGPT is a massive productivity accelerator optimized to generate user stories that follow the standard notation which can write excellent acceptance criteria. 

User stories are generated from UPN process diagram steps and then linked to the related step to provide the context of the user requirements.


GPT writes perfect user stories

The quality of the user stories is based on the process maps that are visually displaying the user requirements. ElementsGPT does not get bored, distracted or confused. It accurately writes user stories from process steps; input, outputs, descriptions, and resources with RASCI. It will even suggest metadata items that can be used to deliver the user stories, reducing technical debt.


Give your development team a winning edge

The user story is a critical handover document. Elements enable the development team to access and collaborate on the business analysis documentation and impact analysis that supports the user story inside their ticketing system. This eliminates ambiguity, enables them to allocate the right level of development resources, and ensures that they build the right thing. The result is less rework and higher user adoption.