Maximize Salesforce investment for Salesforce product owners

As a Salesforce product owner, you need to set the priorities and the roadmap of changes that the business demands. You used to balance the speed of change vs the risk of breaking the org. Any change – no matter how small – can significantly impact systems downtime, company reputation, and regulatory compliance.

No longer. With, you can accelerate change with the confidence that your teams won’t break the org.

Everyone should have Elements if they have a Salesforce instance as it brings transparency.

Kelly Leslie – Platform Owner

The intelligence to make changes. Faster

Elements is a Change Intelligence Platform designed for Salesforce

The complexity of your Salesforce orgs, combined with the demanded pace of change has driven the need for better intelligence of the risk and impact of any change. Any change – no matter how small – can significantly impact systems downtime, company reputation, and regulatory compliance. Elements gives you back control.

Elements is the most comprehensive Change Intelligence Platform for Salesforce.

Reduce rework by 80%

Better up-front business analysis and automated app analysis ensures your teams are building the right functionality, the first time, faster.

Drive out 25% of process waste

Simplify before you automate. Engage business users in live workshops.

Deliver systems impact analysis 500x faster

Automated analysis is faster and more accurate, and delivered earlier reducing change risk.

Maximize team collaboration

Get everyone on the same page with shared documentation.

Change Intelligence Platform

Making more intelligent decisions

Elements is the most complete Change Intelligence Platform because it supports every phase of the change cycle. It is the platform for documentation and collaboration for all business analysis.

It combines system-generated and manually-created documentation. Then any change can be quickly analyzed to understand and manage the risks, impact, and dependencies.

Industry analyst report

Elements is a front runner

Salesforce industry analysts InVisory help companies evaluate and select the best apps in the Salesforce ecosystem. Their recent vendor report rates Elements as the front runner in Change Intelligence Platforms and the most complete Salesforce solution for managing change.

Power of Change Intelligence

Automated analysis is faster and more accurate

Get your teams and consultants up to speed on your org faster with automated org analysis and documentation. Cut their org discovery time by over 60% to enable them to make fact-based decisions. Enhance that understanding with manually created documentation at every phase of the change cycle.

Deliver what the business needs

Build the right thing. Build the thing right

Reduce rework by 80% by doing more rigorous business analysis before you start development. Elements provide the platform for better collaboration between the business and development stakeholders. The result is better user adoption, faster delivery, and reduced rework.

It’s made our lives easier using Elements. I feel more confident that we’ll be able to answer questions accurately and quickly. It’s a tool that we can rely on to offer accurate, quick support to our end users, so really, it makes us look good.

Vivian Ralls
Salesforce Enterprise Architect – J.D.Power

Frequently asked questions

Elements sounds amazing. Why is this only available now?

To provide enough documentation to make intelligent decisions has taken a huge amount of development work. It has taken 5 years to build a complete Change Intelligence Platform product that supports the full implementation lifecycle, which is what makes it so powerful.

How do I work with you to build a business case?

We can work with your team on a proof of concept which is tailored to your use case and priorities. We are confident you will be getting benefits before you’ve even raised a Purchase Order.

Why is Elements better than the free apps available?

You will need to use multiple apps for documentation and analysis. And even then you will have a limited view of the metadata and impact analysis. This means you are making decisions with an incomplete picture which is very dangerous.

Can I trial Elements?

Yes. Talk to us.