Reducing technical debt

Unlock agility by reducing technical debt

Tech debt can kill agility, but not all tech debt is bad. Using helps you to understand the impact of tech debt and prioritize the clean-up effort.

Elements provides the analysis that identifies which tech debt is killing agility, the risks and the effort to remove it.

Not all tech debt is bad

Understand risk and manage technical debt

Elements gives you visibility of the complexity of every org and help you pinpoint the areas of tech debt that are slowing down project delivery and accurately estimate the effort required to remediate.

Assess the impact

Categorize technical debt based on impact. Then focus your effort on removing the technical debt that is killing your org’s agility.

Estimate effort accurately

Use org intelligence to assess the true effort to refactor the debt and build a business case.

Eliminate debt safely

Understanding the impact of making changes to the org means you can remove debt quickly and safely.

Don’t add new debt

Understand how to build your org solutions to avoid exacerbating your technical debt.

X-ray for your org

Automated org analysis

The nightly analysis builds metadata dictionaries for every org. Running risk and impact analysis, dependency and field population analytics, it then creates change notifications and automated documentation.

The visualization in the dependency tree gives an instant understanding of the scope and impact of any change.

Get in control

Estimate effort to reduce technical debt

The org analysis helps estimate the effort to reduce the technical debt. It justifies the extra effort required to clean up technical debt as part of a change, providing the long-term advantages of a cleaner, leaner org.

Org intelligence

Tech debt reduction is a change project

Reducing technical debt is a change project that needs to be planned and executed flawlessly. Org intelligence ensures you can make the changes safely, with the lowest effort.

You can document changes in the metadata dictionary to help in future technical debt reduction. Documentation can be linked to requirements, process maps, architecture diagrams, user stories or external documents (rich text notes, images, URL links).

We removed 18 Managed Packages and over 200 custom objects in less than 6 hours.

Andrew Russo – Salesforce Architect, BACA Systems

Strategies to reduce Technical Debt

Many organizations are held back by the accumulation of technical debt, which makes it difficult for them to be adaptable and nimble.

To tackle this problem, it’s essential to have a full understanding and analysis of the org and prioritize areas with the highest level of technical debt. All team members play a crucial role in managing technical debt by considering it when making design decisions and creating clear documentation.

Read our article on what strategies can reduce Technical Debt.

Frequently asked questions

Does Elements have any process or task mining?

Elements does not include and task or process mining capability but what is does include is the ability to auto-generate consistent UPN process diagrams based on your ways of working as described in internal documentation or outputs from these tools.  As such we can capture and manage your ‘as-is’ or ‘should be’ processes  to augment your analysis on improvement, control, automation and compliance.

What are some UPN Best Practices? 

If you want to learn more about UPN best practices, we have written a comprehensive article covering all areas of UPN.

Does Elements use BPMN? 

Elements does not use BPMN notation to describe processes. Elements is a process management and mapping platform designed to engage with a broad set of stakeholders in IT & business. It provides a wide variety of capabilities to allow the analysis of processes for improvement.  We also include a variety of other diagramming types for ‘architecture diagrams’ facilitating a broad understanding of change impact using approaches such as capability mapping, infrastructure mapping, Entity Relationship Diagrams etc. We also have a ‘library’ where associated content (such as your BPMN diagrams) can be stored and managed as they apply to the organisations processes.

What makes Elements different from other Process Management Platforms?

Elements is an Enterprise BPM platform with all the core capability you’d expect such as governed process diagrams, roles, process analysis, risk and control identification, reporting, hierarchical models, collaboration, training, attestation, associated documentation, industry frameworks (such as APQC) etc.  However the 3 things that distinguish Elements are:

  1. Collaboration.  Our emphasis is on process management that embraces both practitioners and business centered around our core UPN notation 
  2. Change.  The clarity and quality of what needs changing and why aligning business requirements with IT systems and specific implementation advice is and advanced and elegant aspect of Elements BPM.
  3. Agility.  Elements contains AI capabilities for the automatic generation of common process diagrams based on your existing ways of working be that policy, procedure, work instruction, or existing process content
Can I get a trial?

Yes you can. You can book your trial here.

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