Small businesses deserve great processes

The issue for small businesses is: at what point do you move from heroic actions by staff to get the job done, to more formalized processes that enable effective, consistent Customer & Employee Experience. Which in turn enables growth.  The answer is always “too late”. This is because process/BPM is never a priority.  What tips […]

Why internal BPM projects fail?

[READ TIME: 5 mins] We have just completed a 12 week project where I have been the Program Manager for a critical business transformation project for a multi-national company that delivers major ($1-10 billion) construction projects. The first phase, which has just finished, was a proof of concept. The objective was to develop a hierarchical process […]

Make the CIO look like a rockstar

CIOs have lost the confidence of the business because they are seen to be unresponsive in delivering the infrastructure and applications that the business feels they must have to be competitive.  In the last 5-10 years, the business users’ experience of what a great technology UX feels like, and what applications are capable of doing […]

Insiders Guide to SF

We have crowdsourced from the San Francisco locals all the “inside knowledge” in 80 pages packed full of critical insights. It is a useful resource for any of you traveling to SF for one of the many conferences or just socially. Getting around SF and the Bay Area; did you know the Richmond Bridge ONLY takes […]

Laugh and learn: Kinky Boots

Kinky Boots – a great “educational” film Written in 2005 it has some great messages that are even more relevant today in a time of turmoil: You history won’t guarantee your future Change is uncomfortable, but not impossible Find a niche and get REALLy good at satisfying it

What is your change strategy?

For many, change is frightening, threatening and therefore it is resisted at all costs. It is that old pain versus pleasure thing. People act to eliminate pain and bring pleasure. Therefore you need to make the new world look more pleasurable than the perceived pain of change. Or you need to make the pain of […]

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