Improv is a serious business skill

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Home » Blog » Improv is a serious business skill
Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 08.55.42 [READ TIME: 2 mins & book]

Sadly, improv is not seen by most business people as anything more than an art form, a interesting past time, or a great night out. They miss the fundamental relevance to the world of work.

Every day we are thrust into situations where a knowledge of the simple principles of improv would massively raise a persons game; an interview, a promotion or redundancy conversation, a conflict over meeting room booking, getting an upgrade on the red-eye back from the US, the negotiation of a big deal, getting the salary raise you deserve.

In fact, before I left for SF I help coordinate a number of ideas from people from the Improv scene which went into  a FREE e-book called Using Improv for Business.

It can be downloaded from here.  Please feel free to distribute it widely.

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