Is BPM dead or alive? Sobering advice.

1 min read

5th April 2015

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Home » Blog » Is BPM dead or alive? Sobering advice.

Neil Ward-Dutton, co-founder and research Director of the analyst firm MWD Advisors gave an excellent and thought provoking keynote at the BPM Next conference in Santa Barbara. In fact his presentation title suggested the conference should probably have been called “BPM Last”.

He very generously shared his presentation and made it publicly available to a broader audience than just the BPM Next delegates.

  1. The presentation is worth reading in full (below), but here are the key takeaways to BPM practioners and vendors:
  2. DON’T fixate on Smart Process Applications
  3. DON’T obsess over traditional competitors; look at the wider work co-ordination landscape
  4. DON’T fixate on ‘throwing more stuff into the box’
  5. DO find ways to enhance ‘Bring Your Own Process’ tools with power of auditability/measurement/governance
  6. DO look at the implications of Digital strategies and how they link to broader corporate strategies, assets
  7. DO enable clients to take portfolio management approaches to business processes and digital work co-ordination
  8. DO partner / buy / build to hook into growing segments

Here is the link to the presentation on SlideShare or download it as a PDF