13 Pillars of Center of Excellence Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 11 January 2023 Categories In Change Intelligence, CoE Every week for the next 13 weeks we will post a blog that will help you establish a Center of Excellence. Each week will cover one of the 13 pillars of a Center of Excellence (COE). But before we get started this post will look at the scope of a COE, the benefits, what size…
Change Intelligence – Doing more with less Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 10 January 2023 Categories In Change Intelligence Salesforce is a powerful platform that can help organizations increase their ROI, speed up the pace of change, and improve user adoption. However, in today’s business environment, many organizations are facing cutbacks – staff layoffs, budget cuts, and freezes on hires. Even as organizations face cutbacks, many are still looking to do more with Salesforce. They…
10 Lessons From Analyzing 15 Billion Metadata Items Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 10 January 2023 Categories In Business Analysis, Impact Analysis, Metadata management, Technical Debt The power of Salesforce lies in the ability to customize an org, much of which can be done quickly, by an admin or consultant using declarative (point-and-click) configuration. What this boils down to is this: adding and modifying metadata is easy to do, but get it wrong and face serious consequences. Deleting metadata is an…
Revised BA Trailmix Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 25 December 2022 Categories In Business Analysis A number of people have asked for the core training content to pass the BA Certification. The official trailmix has a number of modules that are not relevant or should already be understood as Admin Cert is a prerequisite of the BA Cert. So here is the revised Trailmix Prerequisite: Salesforce Administrator Administrator is a…
UPN: Good to Great HIKE2 Innovation Summit Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 4 December 2022 Categories In Business Analysis, Process Mapping Here is Ian Gotts’ session at the Innovation Summit run by HIKE2 (Salesforce SI) talking about business analysis, the power of UPN, and some amazing customer ROI metrics from 36 years of process mapping. BTW He drew his first process map in 1986.
Going green or going bananas: what’s that about? Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 26 November 2022 Categories In Business Analysis It is pretty difficult to miss the ‘greening’ trend. Northern California is the green heartland. Yesterday I cycled past a Toyota Prius Hybrid with a bumper sticker “Tree hugging dirt worshipper.” Everything and anything is recycled. But there is a rising consciousness driven by companies wishing to be seen to be green. Oil companies changing…
Passing BA Certification vs US drivers test Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 23 July 2022 Categories In Business Analysis, Career BA Certification is like the US Drivers Test When I arrived in the US 10 years ago I had 30 years of driving experience. But still needed to pass the US test to get my California license. Clearly, I knew how to drive, albeit on the wrong side of the road!! I expected to pass…
Salesforce BA Certification – experts discuss Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 15 July 2022 Categories In Business Analysis, Webinar The Salesforce BA Certification just dropped and my LinkedIn feed is on fire with people who have passed. But for every 1 person that passed, there are probably 100 who are aspiring to become BAs. So we managed to grab time from 3 experts, all of who have passed the BA Certification on Day1, to…
Valuable insights from 2022 State of Salesforce DevOps Report Post author By Ian Gotts Post date 2 July 2022 Categories In Business Analysis, Change Intelligence, DevOps A report for Admins, Business Analysts, and Architects (as well as Developers) The annual Salesforce State of DevOps Report from Copado always makes interesting reading. DevOps is a rapidly emerging space and it has been further validated by the launch of Salesforce DevOps Center. So has the DevOps space “crossed the chasm” in Geoffrey Moore…