Live mapping workshops at Dreamforce

1 min read

28th September 2016

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Home » Blog » Live mapping workshops at Dreamforce


We had such an amazing response from the audience of Salesforce Admins at Dreamforce. The brand new theater within the Admin Meadow called AutomationStation was focused completely on Business Analysis and Process Automation. We delivered 12 live mapping workshops and were blown away by the enthusiastic support.

Here is a short video up to the point where we started live mapping.  The presentation deck INCLUDING examples of the process we mapped can be downloaded here

Business analysis is a core #AwesomeAdmin skill. It’s the number 1 skill most frequently requested by employers for Salesforce Administrators. So the workshops covered business analysis, a simple notation and an example of live process mapping.

If you missed it, don’t worry as we have written it all down in an ebook. called Analysis, Automation and Adoption for #AwesomeAdmins which is now available.