Think rocket, not bullet

24th March 2016

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Think rocket, not bullet

Rockets start slowly and keep accelerating. Bullets come out fast and slow down. We had over 100 invited clients and partners register. While organic growth is fine, we will only start proactive marketing efforts when you tell us we’re ready. We expect to improve the onboarding, usability and core capability significantly with sprints delivering updates every 14 days. Word-of-mouth will fuel this rocket as we get it right.

What we have learned in the first week…

– The Elements app is stable, the production environment is rock solid and there have been no surprises.

–  Several of you have chosen to use the beta on live projects and are already delivering real value.

–  The UI and general feel is clean and fresh, but some things are too hidden away. We need to bring the basics up to 1-click ‘in your face’ accessibility.

– People don’t/won’t read the on-screen tutorials. (e.g. 46% completed the ‘edit diagram’ walkthrough – but feedback from a significant minority was “I couldn’t see what to do when I got to the diagram”). That needs fixing.
– Drawing and mapping may be quicker (once you know how). But if you don’t know – ‘It doesn’t work’. The most common way of drawing is to drag objects from a palette – we have one in the left sidebar but turned it off because you can draw without it. It needs to be on. People can discover the shortcuts later.

Our focus is your success

Our goal is great client and partner success stories. If you have things you would like to do with the software that can prove that success, let us know. We will help you make sure you deliver.


The summary has been “great start – good UI and core functionality, a few rough edges, and fix the on-boarding”.  No one has argued with the pricing model!!!  

If you have ideas, feedback and questions go to our Feedback page or email us . We’re excited about the coming months and we really appreciate your engagement and input.

Not registered yet?

If you haven’t registered yet, here is the link  REGISTER

One major note is that we currently only support the Chrome browser. This is a beta period and there is a lot of capability that will be arriving in the coming weeks.