Small businesses deserve great processes 2 min read 12th May 2016 Share Home » Blog » Small businesses deserve great processes Home » Blog » Small businesses deserve great processes The issue for small businesses is: at what point do you move from heroic actions by staff to get the job done, to more formalized processes that enable effective, consistent Customer & Employee Experience. Which in turn enables growth. The answer is always “too late”. This is because process/BPM is never a priority. What tips companies over the edge and forces them to get serious about process? If could be any of the following: over 300 staff highly regulated distributed teams a huge cock-up The blockers The blockers for small companies are priority, resource and cost. Priority: This is delayed gratification which means the work goes in but you don’t get the benefits for a while. So, it is esy to push that process project below other less valuable but more immediate projects. Resource: Who is going to drive the initiative? No one is sitting around in a small business, and no one has process excellence as their day job. So this takes a committed CEO or an internal evangelist to make it happen. Cost: Software cost was, but is no longer an issue. Great mapping tools are now free (ahem…..) Low-code products are pay as you go: RBI (Return Before Investment), not ROI But the real show-stopper is REPUTATION. People associate “process” with 3 months of mapping and then a 2 year development project from the 1980s – even though many of them weren’t even born then. In the new world that is 3 HOUR mapping and 2 DAY automation do do something really significant. So what does it need to change the CEO’s impression of the value of process? How do you give them a taste of what is possible? Our view is make the core software capabilities Free. For Ever. For Everyone. and provide some standard models to get them started. 95% of the Fortune 5Million will never need to pay for anything – but we are very cool with that. So that is what we have done. Because without great processes, small businesses will always stay small businesses. Post navigation Previous postWhy internal BPM projects fail?Next postSimple mistake x social media = PR nightmare. Back to blog Share Ian Gotts Founder & CEO