Can mentoring help you design your career path?

3 min read

15th May 2021

Home » Blog » Can mentoring help you design your career path?
Home » Blog » Can mentoring help you design your career path?

This week’s Success Anywhere tour in Austin opened with an inspiring video and some staggering statistics: 4.2 million Salesforce Economy jobs by 2024 and there are currently 11m Trailblazers and 1,300 Trailblazer Groups across 90 countries.  BTW We loved the surprise when they zoomed in on the laptop and the Elements sticker was right in the middle.

Picking your early career path; Admin, Developer or Business Analyst

The opportunities in the Salesforce ecosystem are amazing but it also easy to feel a little lost as the platform is evolving and growing so fast. Salesforce is acquiring companies and extending the platform to cover more areas of the business. At the same time it is investing to build out deep industry specializations.

It know it feels daunting to take that first step as a newbie. But the early career path is clear – Trailhead Badges and then Certifications.  At the moment there are 2 paths – Admin or Developer.  I’m delighted the report that I’ve been on the team of SMEs scoping out a Business Analysis Certification. So this is now a recognized career.

Mid-career crisis?

This is where is gets difficult. The path up the career ladder is not necessarily more Trailhead badges or more certifications. Increasingly it has to be proactive career management and specialization. No-one can claim to understand to be able to “implement Salesforce”. It is too broad and deep. You need to pick a direction and design your customized career path.

You probably need a mentor or guide. Someone who can help you confront and answer the difficult question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years”. They can help you focus on your strengths, passions and interests. They can help you identify what to work on – and where. Then together you can set a direction and they can help you keep on course as you battle the  day to day onslaught of user requests, Release Notes and new Salesforce product announcements.

You need a good mentor. But you also need to be a good mentee.

I remember a classic quote from my mentor at Accenture:

“There is no point climbing the career ladder only to discover it is leaning on the wrong wall”

A framework for mentoring: panel session 21st May 3pm CST

Velu Pelani is Center of Excellence Leader for Blue Cross Blue Shield and has been in the Salesforce ecosystem 20+ years. He has developed a framework for mentoring – IEEE (Industry, Education, Experience, Employment)

He’s hosting a panel session 21st May 3pm CST to discuss mentoring and how we can all do a better job. As Mentors. And as Mentees.

Velu will be joined by Blanca Leon-Carter. Blanca has done an amazing job managing her career. From starting as AdminEloper to now a consultant with Slalom and a Salesforce MVP.

Join the panel session live or register to get a recording of the session


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

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